Fairy Shore
Autumn fairy house PDF SVG felt pattern
Fairy Shore
Bee and beehive PDF SVG felt pattern
Fairy Shore
PDF felt pattern Sea shell with mermaid and sea animals
Fairy Shore
Castle, dragon, princess and prince felt pattern, PDF & SVG
Fairy Shore
Oak house with acorn boy PDF SVG felt pattern
Fairy Shore
PDF SVG felt pattern winter Fairy house castle with elf
Fairy Shore
PDF felt pattern Teapot fairy doll house and fairy
Fairy Shore
PDF felt pattern Fairy house castle with elf, doll house
Fairy Shore
Woodcutter from The Little Red Riding Hood PDF&SVG pattern
Fairy Shore
Grandmother from Little Red Riding Hood PDF&SVG doll pattern
Fairy Shore
The Big Bad Wolf from Little Red Riding Hood PDF SVG pattern
Fairy Shore
The Little Red Riding Hood characters PDF&SVG pattern
Fairy Shore